Welcome, Shawna. Thanks so much for stopping in to tell us some about yourself and your newest release In All Things.
So First things first. Inquiring minds want to know how writers spend their time. Everyone knows we flit from one grand party to another, hobknobbing with big editors and hollywood producers who want to buy the rights to our books. Soooo...
Where are you right now (LVR, DR, Bathroom) and what are you wearing? You have to tell the truth?
Okay, I'm sitting on the loveseat in my bedroom listening to my husband snore at 2:30 in the morning while wearing a pair of paint splattered sweats. I know, glamorous!
1) If you could be anyone of your characters, which one would you choose to be? Why?
I think I'd be Ruth. She's funny, loyal and wise. She's like a young version of my grandmother. I adore my grandmother! I absolutely love the relationship between her and Jakob.
2) What is something that very few people know about you?
I once danced on a late-night show, similar to Johnny Carson, in Hong Kong. I was invited, but I had to wear this horrible red lycra suit with silver shoulder pads and fringe. I don't know who chose the outfit. We performed a high kick routine. So embarrassing...
3) When did you start writing?
I started eight years ago, working off and on, but I've only seriously pursued it for the past three. I have always had a knack for it, as well as an active imagination.
4) What are you working on? Any future story ideas?
Orphaned Hearts is my next book, and it actually comes out next month. It's a Christmas story set in 1932, very sweet and nostalgic. Because of the season there was a rush to get it in there. It's quite dear to me as it was inspired by my grandparents.
I'm working on a story about Roger, a character from No Other and In All Things. I hadn't intended to give him one, but I had about half a dozen people ask about him. Once I started thinking about it all kinds of ideas began to flow. I haven't pitched it to the publisher yet since it's still in the development phase. But...for those of you who have read No Other, and remember what a creep Meri's dad was, well, he's even worse in In All Things, and Roger has become the district attorney. In the story I'm working on Roger goes after Meri's dad. I don't know how it's going to work out yet, but even I want him to get what's coming.
5) Tell us about your latest release In All Things.
In All Things is the sequel to No Other. The story picks up with Jakob and Meri ten years later. Jakob has put all of his effort into fulfilling his promise to Roger by making Meri's dreams come true. They've moved to Hollywood and Meri is a successful actress. But what you have to ask is this; was this really Meri's dream, or was it what he thought was her dream, and by achieving it was he really trying to prove himself?
Meri on the other hand has her own set of issues. She's tried to put the past behind her, but a part of her still craves her parents' approval – something most children want even when they come from an abusive home. She hopes that time and her success have brought a change of heart to her parents, but when she finds that it hasn't she sets out with determination to shove her success in their faces and shame them that way.
Both Meri and Jakob are faced with coming to terms over the fact that success has proved dissatisfying. Likewise, an unhealthy nature to their relationship has stifled their growth in Christ, and they have to overcome that, too.
Along with Jakob and Meri's story is the story of healing that takes place in Jakob's family. Though, some things get worse before they get better. This story is actually more literary in that sense than romance. It's very focused on the characters' personal journeys.
6) What themes do you write about most often? What message do you hope your readers will take away from reading your stories?
The hindrance of self-reliance seems to be a reoccurring theme, but mainly I like to write stories that display God's Grace. My hope is that readers can see something of themselves in my characters and be reminded of God's Love for them.
7) Have you had mentors along the journey?
I haven't had personal relationships with seasoned authors, but I have developed sevreral very close relationships with some very talented writers who are making this journey with me.
8) Any words of wisdom for new authors?
We've all heard the phrase, 'write what you know.' I think it's equally important, if not more-so, that an author writes who they are. Yes, we have to learn the craft, pay attention to trends and whatnot. Those things are important. Just be sure that in doing so you don't lose yourself. God gave you this calling because of who you are. The best stories come from the heart and every heart is unique.
9) Where can we find you on the internet?
In All Things
Jakob and Meri's story continues...
Meredith Louis's Hollywood career is at a point of transition. No longer under Majestic Studios' control, Meri is free to broaden her appeal as an actress and finally earn the recognition she desires.
Meri and Jakob return to their hometown for the holidays where Meri hopes to reconcile with her parents after a decade of silence. But after a disastrous encounter, Meri is plunged into turmoil as old fears resurface in unexpected ways.
Jakob, already dealing with unresolved family issues of his own, is further burdened by his inability to help his wife. Can he learn to step aside and trust God's plan. Will Meri recognize what she already has?
In All Things is a story of faith and restoration, anchored in the belief, "...that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Author Interview with Shawna K. Williams
In All Things,
No Other,
Shawna K. Williams

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