Welcome Shaunna Gonzales
Gonzales has toyed with writing since her teenage years but has only written in
earnest since 2005. In an effort to give Dark Days of Promise an authentic feel
she endeavored to include some experiences of veterans she knows and could
often be found discussing the realities of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder) in their lives and how it could honestly be shared in this project.

currently resides in the Seattle, Washington area, with her husband, and their
younger children.
Shaunna at http://www.shaunnagonzales.blogspot.com
Church, People Watching and PTSD
My family and I sit in the same place every Sunday morning
and no, the pew isn't assigned or paid for. We just get there early and that is
where we sit. Members of our congregation are in their Sunday best, men in
white shirts and ties, some in suits and the women in modest dresses and
usually high heels.
So one non-descript Sunday, I'm people watching.
"Friend A" suffers from PTSD. He's a Vietnam Veteran. I've visited
with this gentleman at great lengths in doing research for Dark Days of
Promise. I know some of the things that trigger his socially unexpected and
potentially violent PTSD symptoms.
"Friend B" has attended this particular
congregation a lot longer than my family has. This morning she is wearing a tight
skirt. You would think that having witnessed "Friend A's" reactions
on previous occasions, she would be aware. But noooo.
During the adult Sunday school class, the roll is passed
from the back, where I'm sitting to the front. The pews are not full as families
have left and I watch "Friend B" stand, the roll in her hand. She
advances to offer the clipboard, over the shoulder as she would any other
Sunday, but this day is different, the gentleman she will be passing the roll
to is my "Friend A".
In my mind's eye "Friend B" touches his shoulder
quite innocently and unexpectedly does the most amazing assisted mid-air
somersault ever preformed in such an austere setting. While she is doing this
astonishing feat, "Friend A" has jumped to his full 6'3" with a
shocking war cry. I cringe and suck at the air in horror expecting a rather
nasty landing.
That is where my mind screeches to a blinding halt.
"Focus," I tell myself. I watch intently. "Friend B"
touches "Friend A's" shoulder. He flinches and instead of what I know
would happen on any other day in any other place, he gathers himself, the
muscles tensing. His shoulders rise and settle in the same instant he jerks
around to accept the clipboard.
I release my held breath and the incident goes relatively
unnoticed by most of the people present. Not so for those of us that paid
attention and are aware. The group gathers after meetings, the veterans and
myself, collectively heaving a sigh of relief.
People, please be more aware.

While Vicki’s children grapple with the death of their
father -- a man whom she’s successfully fabricated as loving, a lie her
rebellious teenager recognizes -- she must find a way to support her family and
find a role model for her boys. She never intends to fall for Staff Sergeant
Chase, her best friend’s son, who suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD). She’d much rather choose a safer man to love, but her children have a
voice in the decision she makes. With two deaths to deal with, a suitor after
her money, a rebellious son, and Sergeant Chase’s repeated attacks, she can
only hope to survive the danger she faces. If she doesn’t, her children will be
left without either parent.
ISBN: 978-1-61252-218-0
Enjoy the following Excerpt
Why him? I
needed help; I even needed a rescuer, but not him. I found myself welcoming his
presence in spite of the clenching fear in my stomach. My mind spiraled around
the possibilities. Would I freeze to death? Would he attack me? Would I
survive? I must get home to my children.
What're you doing out here?" My breathing came out hard.
don't know," he drawled. His words formed ghostly shapes in the freezing
night air. "Do you want a ride or do you really plan to run home?"
I looked
down the road in both directions hoping for a second pair of headlights. I
found none.
The fact
of my standing on ice and snow escaped me for the moment. I anchored my foot
for take-off and slipped, going to my knees. Kelly moved fast, I didn't see him
open the Jeep's door before he grasped my arm, lifting me to my feet.
okay? You went down pretty hard." He propelled me to the passenger's side.
Numb feet measured each jarring step around the front of the Jeep. Why had he
come looking for me? The possibility of his not looking for me in particular,
but anyone -- anyone alone, screamed across my thoughts.
Afraid of
a cold death at the side of the road, my thoughts stalled. He'd proven himself
faster than I. I shook his hand off to climb in and settled myself as close to
the door as possible. He walked around the front of the Jeep, his footsteps
sure on the icy surface.
"Have to admire your spunk," he said climbing in.