Merry Christmas
from our house to yours.

This is a tough year as it is the first Christmas since mom went home to be with the Lord last January. And the first year that none of my children are living around us. Thankfully we will be getting together with them to celebrate.
It's funny how sights and smells bring memories of times past to mind. I'm reminded of Christmases past, spent with Mom and Dad, who are both gone. I remember laughter and yes tears. I remember sitting with family and listening to Dad read the Christmas story. I remember singing carol's while my dad played guitar. I recall the lights and presents under the tree.
Those are traditions my husband, Danny and I went on to share with our own children and grandchildren. I plan to make many more. I am grateful my parent's took the time to tell me the truth of Christmas and instill in me the wonder and joy of taking time out of the hustle of life and to rest in the arms of the Lord. I pray that gift for you this Christmas. I pray you find the wonder of child in the manger and take hold of the gift of love and life he came to bring to mankind.
What does Christmas mean to you? Share some of your fondest memories from Christmas past.
Above is a little drawing I did on the computer today. My Christmas card to you. Hope you have the merriest of Christmases and the brightest New Year.