Wednesday, December 01, 2010
How I Was Touched By Mercy.
To celebrate the release of my book Touched By Mercy. I am giving away a Nookcolor eReader, check out the details on the Touched By Mercy Contest Page.
But here, I would like to give away another gift, something intangible it seems, but as real as the air we breathe.
Something free, but as costly as life's blood.
It's fitting in this Holiday Season to remember all that God has done for us, especially in giving us his son, Jesus as a sacrifice.
I hope that you will share your story and bless others.
Has your life been Touched By Mercy? How so?

Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Author Interview with Shawna K. Williams
Welcome, Shawna. Thanks so much for stopping in to tell us some about yourself and your newest release In All Things.
So First things first. Inquiring minds want to know how writers spend their time. Everyone knows we flit from one grand party to another, hobknobbing with big editors and hollywood producers who want to buy the rights to our books. Soooo...
Where are you right now (LVR, DR, Bathroom) and what are you wearing? You have to tell the truth?
Okay, I'm sitting on the loveseat in my bedroom listening to my husband snore at 2:30 in the morning while wearing a pair of paint splattered sweats. I know, glamorous!
1) If you could be anyone of your characters, which one would you choose to be? Why?
I think I'd be Ruth. She's funny, loyal and wise. She's like a young version of my grandmother. I adore my grandmother! I absolutely love the relationship between her and Jakob.
2) What is something that very few people know about you?
I once danced on a late-night show, similar to Johnny Carson, in Hong Kong. I was invited, but I had to wear this horrible red lycra suit with silver shoulder pads and fringe. I don't know who chose the outfit. We performed a high kick routine. So embarrassing...
3) When did you start writing?
I started eight years ago, working off and on, but I've only seriously pursued it for the past three. I have always had a knack for it, as well as an active imagination.
4) What are you working on? Any future story ideas?
Orphaned Hearts is my next book, and it actually comes out next month. It's a Christmas story set in 1932, very sweet and nostalgic. Because of the season there was a rush to get it in there. It's quite dear to me as it was inspired by my grandparents.
I'm working on a story about Roger, a character from No Other and In All Things. I hadn't intended to give him one, but I had about half a dozen people ask about him. Once I started thinking about it all kinds of ideas began to flow. I haven't pitched it to the publisher yet since it's still in the development phase. But...for those of you who have read No Other, and remember what a creep Meri's dad was, well, he's even worse in In All Things, and Roger has become the district attorney. In the story I'm working on Roger goes after Meri's dad. I don't know how it's going to work out yet, but even I want him to get what's coming.
5) Tell us about your latest release In All Things.
In All Things is the sequel to No Other. The story picks up with Jakob and Meri ten years later. Jakob has put all of his effort into fulfilling his promise to Roger by making Meri's dreams come true. They've moved to Hollywood and Meri is a successful actress. But what you have to ask is this; was this really Meri's dream, or was it what he thought was her dream, and by achieving it was he really trying to prove himself?
Meri on the other hand has her own set of issues. She's tried to put the past behind her, but a part of her still craves her parents' approval – something most children want even when they come from an abusive home. She hopes that time and her success have brought a change of heart to her parents, but when she finds that it hasn't she sets out with determination to shove her success in their faces and shame them that way.
Both Meri and Jakob are faced with coming to terms over the fact that success has proved dissatisfying. Likewise, an unhealthy nature to their relationship has stifled their growth in Christ, and they have to overcome that, too.
Along with Jakob and Meri's story is the story of healing that takes place in Jakob's family. Though, some things get worse before they get better. This story is actually more literary in that sense than romance. It's very focused on the characters' personal journeys.
6) What themes do you write about most often? What message do you hope your readers will take away from reading your stories?
The hindrance of self-reliance seems to be a reoccurring theme, but mainly I like to write stories that display God's Grace. My hope is that readers can see something of themselves in my characters and be reminded of God's Love for them.
7) Have you had mentors along the journey?
I haven't had personal relationships with seasoned authors, but I have developed sevreral very close relationships with some very talented writers who are making this journey with me.
8) Any words of wisdom for new authors?
We've all heard the phrase, 'write what you know.' I think it's equally important, if not more-so, that an author writes who they are. Yes, we have to learn the craft, pay attention to trends and whatnot. Those things are important. Just be sure that in doing so you don't lose yourself. God gave you this calling because of who you are. The best stories come from the heart and every heart is unique.
9) Where can we find you on the internet?
In All Things
Jakob and Meri's story continues...
Meredith Louis's Hollywood career is at a point of transition. No longer under Majestic Studios' control, Meri is free to broaden her appeal as an actress and finally earn the recognition she desires.
Meri and Jakob return to their hometown for the holidays where Meri hopes to reconcile with her parents after a decade of silence. But after a disastrous encounter, Meri is plunged into turmoil as old fears resurface in unexpected ways.
Jakob, already dealing with unresolved family issues of his own, is further burdened by his inability to help his wife. Can he learn to step aside and trust God's plan. Will Meri recognize what she already has?
In All Things is a story of faith and restoration, anchored in the belief, "...that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
So First things first. Inquiring minds want to know how writers spend their time. Everyone knows we flit from one grand party to another, hobknobbing with big editors and hollywood producers who want to buy the rights to our books. Soooo...
Where are you right now (LVR, DR, Bathroom) and what are you wearing? You have to tell the truth?
Okay, I'm sitting on the loveseat in my bedroom listening to my husband snore at 2:30 in the morning while wearing a pair of paint splattered sweats. I know, glamorous!
1) If you could be anyone of your characters, which one would you choose to be? Why?
I think I'd be Ruth. She's funny, loyal and wise. She's like a young version of my grandmother. I adore my grandmother! I absolutely love the relationship between her and Jakob.
2) What is something that very few people know about you?
I once danced on a late-night show, similar to Johnny Carson, in Hong Kong. I was invited, but I had to wear this horrible red lycra suit with silver shoulder pads and fringe. I don't know who chose the outfit. We performed a high kick routine. So embarrassing...
3) When did you start writing?
I started eight years ago, working off and on, but I've only seriously pursued it for the past three. I have always had a knack for it, as well as an active imagination.
4) What are you working on? Any future story ideas?
Orphaned Hearts is my next book, and it actually comes out next month. It's a Christmas story set in 1932, very sweet and nostalgic. Because of the season there was a rush to get it in there. It's quite dear to me as it was inspired by my grandparents.
I'm working on a story about Roger, a character from No Other and In All Things. I hadn't intended to give him one, but I had about half a dozen people ask about him. Once I started thinking about it all kinds of ideas began to flow. I haven't pitched it to the publisher yet since it's still in the development phase. But...for those of you who have read No Other, and remember what a creep Meri's dad was, well, he's even worse in In All Things, and Roger has become the district attorney. In the story I'm working on Roger goes after Meri's dad. I don't know how it's going to work out yet, but even I want him to get what's coming.
5) Tell us about your latest release In All Things.
In All Things is the sequel to No Other. The story picks up with Jakob and Meri ten years later. Jakob has put all of his effort into fulfilling his promise to Roger by making Meri's dreams come true. They've moved to Hollywood and Meri is a successful actress. But what you have to ask is this; was this really Meri's dream, or was it what he thought was her dream, and by achieving it was he really trying to prove himself?
Meri on the other hand has her own set of issues. She's tried to put the past behind her, but a part of her still craves her parents' approval – something most children want even when they come from an abusive home. She hopes that time and her success have brought a change of heart to her parents, but when she finds that it hasn't she sets out with determination to shove her success in their faces and shame them that way.
Both Meri and Jakob are faced with coming to terms over the fact that success has proved dissatisfying. Likewise, an unhealthy nature to their relationship has stifled their growth in Christ, and they have to overcome that, too.
Along with Jakob and Meri's story is the story of healing that takes place in Jakob's family. Though, some things get worse before they get better. This story is actually more literary in that sense than romance. It's very focused on the characters' personal journeys.
6) What themes do you write about most often? What message do you hope your readers will take away from reading your stories?
The hindrance of self-reliance seems to be a reoccurring theme, but mainly I like to write stories that display God's Grace. My hope is that readers can see something of themselves in my characters and be reminded of God's Love for them.
7) Have you had mentors along the journey?
I haven't had personal relationships with seasoned authors, but I have developed sevreral very close relationships with some very talented writers who are making this journey with me.
8) Any words of wisdom for new authors?
We've all heard the phrase, 'write what you know.' I think it's equally important, if not more-so, that an author writes who they are. Yes, we have to learn the craft, pay attention to trends and whatnot. Those things are important. Just be sure that in doing so you don't lose yourself. God gave you this calling because of who you are. The best stories come from the heart and every heart is unique.
9) Where can we find you on the internet?
In All Things
Jakob and Meri's story continues...
Meredith Louis's Hollywood career is at a point of transition. No longer under Majestic Studios' control, Meri is free to broaden her appeal as an actress and finally earn the recognition she desires.
Meri and Jakob return to their hometown for the holidays where Meri hopes to reconcile with her parents after a decade of silence. But after a disastrous encounter, Meri is plunged into turmoil as old fears resurface in unexpected ways.
Jakob, already dealing with unresolved family issues of his own, is further burdened by his inability to help his wife. Can he learn to step aside and trust God's plan. Will Meri recognize what she already has?
In All Things is a story of faith and restoration, anchored in the belief, "...that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
In All Things,
No Other,
Shawna K. Williams

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Touched By Mercy
Cover Art for my upcoming release Touched By Mercy. Available through Desert Breeze Publishing, December 1, 2010.
enjoy an excerpt
Stay tuned for upcoming ...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Characters Matter
For the last several years I've been trying to get my books published. Taking almost every road available to me, I pushed and prodded to get myself and my books outthere.
And I'm still a relative unknown. While others have gotten out there virtually overnight. WAHHH...
But I'm published now... and I should be happy right?
Well, I am... sorta, but not near as happy as I'd like. That sounds horrible. And perhaps it is.
For the last few months, I've lamented over a book that noone seems to want to read -- even though I know they are -- looking for that elusive marketing in that will put my name on the hearts and minds of people and perhaps they'll by my book and God will touch them through the words I wrote.
Such lofty plans.
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with trying to get my book out there. Not at all, just that there is more to life and right now my concerns seem a bit petty.
You see, while I've been busily trying to find that road, that in, while I've been busy worrying about book sales and new story lines, real life stories have been unfolding all around me.
While I'm complaining that noone wants to read my story, and whining about the sales...
A woman barely over 50 has just found out that chemo isn't helping her cancer, and while she worries about her own tomorrow... she learns that her child may have cancer markers as well.
A young father is perhaps looking toward a future alone, trying to figure out how he'll deal with the heartbreak of a wife who is getting ready to run, because she's somewhat bored and confused.
A family is about to lose their business, their livelihood and they're praying they don't have to go bankrupt.
A woman who has been out of work for months, still can't find a job.
An older woman is lying in a hospital bed fighting dehydration from cancer in her neck.
A young woman died in her sleep unexpectedly, leaving her husband to care for the family while dealing with his grief.
Any one of these would make great conflict for a story. But they are not my stories to write. Perhaps the only way I can be involved in touching their lives for Christ, is in laying my pencil aside for a time and falling on my knees in prayer. Laying my story aside for a time and looking at the real stories of life, love and loss that are unfolding around me.
Because Characters Matter.
You have stories unfolding all around you. Will you pray for them?
How can I pray for you?
And I'm still a relative unknown. While others have gotten out there virtually overnight. WAHHH...
But I'm published now... and I should be happy right?
Well, I am... sorta, but not near as happy as I'd like. That sounds horrible. And perhaps it is.
For the last few months, I've lamented over a book that noone seems to want to read -- even though I know they are -- looking for that elusive marketing in that will put my name on the hearts and minds of people and perhaps they'll by my book and God will touch them through the words I wrote.
Such lofty plans.
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with trying to get my book out there. Not at all, just that there is more to life and right now my concerns seem a bit petty.
You see, while I've been busily trying to find that road, that in, while I've been busy worrying about book sales and new story lines, real life stories have been unfolding all around me.
While I'm complaining that noone wants to read my story, and whining about the sales...
A woman barely over 50 has just found out that chemo isn't helping her cancer, and while she worries about her own tomorrow... she learns that her child may have cancer markers as well.
A young father is perhaps looking toward a future alone, trying to figure out how he'll deal with the heartbreak of a wife who is getting ready to run, because she's somewhat bored and confused.
A family is about to lose their business, their livelihood and they're praying they don't have to go bankrupt.
A woman who has been out of work for months, still can't find a job.
An older woman is lying in a hospital bed fighting dehydration from cancer in her neck.
A young woman died in her sleep unexpectedly, leaving her husband to care for the family while dealing with his grief.
Any one of these would make great conflict for a story. But they are not my stories to write. Perhaps the only way I can be involved in touching their lives for Christ, is in laying my pencil aside for a time and falling on my knees in prayer. Laying my story aside for a time and looking at the real stories of life, love and loss that are unfolding around me.
Because Characters Matter.
You have stories unfolding all around you. Will you pray for them?
How can I pray for you?

Monday, August 30, 2010
Saying Goodbye...
In loving memory of ...
October 1995 - August 29, 2010
You were ours to hold for but a time.
A loyal friend, a member of our family.
You watched our home, protected our children.
And loved us as we loved you.
We were blessed when God gave us you.
Didn't want to say goodbye,
but knew the time had come.
Rest now dear friend,
and know you'll be in our hearts forever.
We'll miss you, precious teddy bear.

Thursday, August 05, 2010
Two Reviews for Mary Connealy
Having finished Mary Connealy's Wildflower Bride, book #3 in the Montana Marriage Series, I would have to say that Miss Connealy is up to fine writing form.
Wildflower Bride pulls you in from the onset when Wade Sawyer, awakened by gunfire, jumps from bed, grabs his gun, and runs out into the dusk of early morning to rescue Glowing Sun.
Readers familiar with Mary Connealy's stories will remember the main characters for Wildflower Bride, Wade Sawyer and Glowing Sun. Wade was the creep who wanted Cassie for his own in Montana Rose. He also made a brief appearance in the Husband Tree. Now with a change of heart, he's softened, matured and he's after the new woman of his dream. Glowing Sun, Abby.
Of course, Glowing Sun, wants nothing to do with him, but when her camp is massacred she has no place to go. She wants to find the murderers of her people, but Wade won't let her go alone. When they are pit together against cattle rustlers things begin to change and secrets come to a head. Belle Tanner and her brood make an appearance in Wildflower Bride too. The ride is wild and funny. And you can't let go of the book till the end. You don't want. No, and even then when reach the end of the story you want more. Unfortunately Wildflower Bride was the third and last book out in the series for now.
But have no fear the Doctor in Petticoats is in... yes, I had to say it...
Beth would just as soon have nothing to do with him, but those feelings change when Alex, a doctor in his own right and the only one the town seems to acknowledge, gives her the one thing she desires most... the chance to be a doctor and practice medicine. All he wants in return is the ability to use Beth's courage and strength to help him through the muttle his life has become. With her by his side, the nightmares are quelled. With her by his side, he finds he can return to using his hands to heal again.
Beth soon learns that Alex isn't the incompetent doctor or drunk she thought him to be. He's a weary soldier, waging a war against a past that has him undersiege. And overtime, as they work and live side by side, Beth realizes that Alex means more to her then she ever believed a man could. She is excited to share her life with him, but Alex harbors secrets that threatens to tear their world apart. Together they must race to set things aright or risk losing each forever.
And for those of you who already miss the goings on in Montana, with Belle, well Mary intertwines and allows us to spend time with several characters from previous series.
I'm already looking forward to the second book in the Sophie's Daughters Series and would recommend these books to anyone who wants to get lost in a good book for a time.
Wildflower Bride pulls you in from the onset when Wade Sawyer, awakened by gunfire, jumps from bed, grabs his gun, and runs out into the dusk of early morning to rescue Glowing Sun.
Readers familiar with Mary Connealy's stories will remember the main characters for Wildflower Bride, Wade Sawyer and Glowing Sun. Wade was the creep who wanted Cassie for his own in Montana Rose. He also made a brief appearance in the Husband Tree. Now with a change of heart, he's softened, matured and he's after the new woman of his dream. Glowing Sun, Abby.
Of course, Glowing Sun, wants nothing to do with him, but when her camp is massacred she has no place to go. She wants to find the murderers of her people, but Wade won't let her go alone. When they are pit together against cattle rustlers things begin to change and secrets come to a head. Belle Tanner and her brood make an appearance in Wildflower Bride too. The ride is wild and funny. And you can't let go of the book till the end. You don't want. No, and even then when reach the end of the story you want more. Unfortunately Wildflower Bride was the third and last book out in the series for now.

I enjoyed this book. Doctor in Petticoats is the first in the Sophie's Daughters Series. With the swipe of her pen, Mary Connealy has produced the rememdy for those of us who want our heroines strong, independent, fearless and sassy. The Doc in Petticoats, Beth McClellan is all those rolled in one, like those who came before her. She is her mama's daughter.
Our anguished hero, Alexander Buchanan, seems no match for the spitfire doctor at first, but that soon changes.
Beth would just as soon have nothing to do with him, but those feelings change when Alex, a doctor in his own right and the only one the town seems to acknowledge, gives her the one thing she desires most... the chance to be a doctor and practice medicine. All he wants in return is the ability to use Beth's courage and strength to help him through the muttle his life has become. With her by his side, the nightmares are quelled. With her by his side, he finds he can return to using his hands to heal again.
Beth soon learns that Alex isn't the incompetent doctor or drunk she thought him to be. He's a weary soldier, waging a war against a past that has him undersiege. And overtime, as they work and live side by side, Beth realizes that Alex means more to her then she ever believed a man could. She is excited to share her life with him, but Alex harbors secrets that threatens to tear their world apart. Together they must race to set things aright or risk losing each forever.
And for those of you who already miss the goings on in Montana, with Belle, well Mary intertwines and allows us to spend time with several characters from previous series.
I'm already looking forward to the second book in the Sophie's Daughters Series and would recommend these books to anyone who wants to get lost in a good book for a time.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Stephanie Burkhart -- The Giving Meadow
Please join me in welcoming Stephanie Burkhart to Write Where I Want to Be today.
I just want to thank Tina for having me today on my blog tour for my children's book, "The Giving Meadow."
Just a little about me: I was born in Manchester, NH but live in Castaic, California with my husband, Brent, and two sons, Andrew and Joseph. I have fond memories of Manchester, but have made California my home. I earned a BS in political science from California Baptist University in 1995.
I have been writing since I was 5, first making homemade comic books. Now, I work on creating short stories and novels. I spent 11 years in the US Army and over 7 years in Germany. Writing is a passion that still challenges me. The Giving Meadow is my first children's book and my first book with 4RV Publishing.

The Giving Meadow is about a caterpillar who hatches from his egg in the middle of a meadow. As he travels through the meadow, he meets new friends who learn the value of sharing.
I go to Blessed Kateri Catholic Church (in Santa Clarita, CA) and I'm involved in our Sunday Preschool program. We call it Little Church. The program works with 3, 4, and 5-year-olds. I help to teach the 3's along with 3 other talented ladies, Shirley Chang, Maureen Dunahoo, and Mary Tesselaar. Every year I help to write the Easter play for the children. In 2009, "The Giving Meadow" was our Easter play.
After I wrote it, I showed Vivian at 4RV. She's also a moderator at and I wanted her feedback on the story. She offered it a contract! I was tickled pink. It was a nice, unexpected surprise. I can't thank Vivian (Gilbert Zabel, publisher, 4RV Publishing) for believing in the story and wanting to bring it to life.
"The Giving Meadow" is wonderfully illustrated by Stephen Macquignon. Stephen primarily works in the medium of pen and ink and color digitally. He has had the privilege to work with Director Michael Sporn of Michael Sporn Animation Inc. He is also a monthly contributor for Stories for Children's magazine.
Stephen's children's books with 4RV Publishing include; Angeline Jellybean by Crystalee Calderwood and Colors by Dana Warren.
"The First Flag of New Hampshire," by Stephanie, will be released by 4RV Publishing next year. It is a TW/Young Adult story.
GOODIE TIME: Leave a post here on the blog. I'll pick two lucky winners to receive an autographed postcard of the cover. I'll also be giving out an autographed copy of the book. Winners will be drawn out of a hat, and I'll return on 5 AUG to announce them.
Stephen Macquignon
Romance Under the Moonlight
THE HUNGARIAN - MAY 2010 Desert Breeze Publishing
Visit me at:

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Giving Meadow, by Stephanie Burkhart
Stephanie Burkhart's new children's book, The Giving Meadow, tells the tale of a little catepillar and his journey to becoming a butterfly.
Newly hatched from his egg, the catepillar travels through the fields of the Giving Meadow, in search of water and food. He meets a few friends along the way, a frog, a ladybug, bees, and snake, who share with him and help him along through the meadow.
The colorful illustrations from Stephen Macquignon allow the reader to take the trip in vivid color.
The Giving Meadow was a cute story with a bit of a lesson on how we all need a little help from our friends.
But don't take my word for it, here are a few insights from the Little People in my house who had a look at the book.
"I like the animals, the catepillar, the frog, and the butterfly and lady bug."
"I liked the whole story."
My grandchildren liked it well enough they wanted to read it twice. What more recommendation do you need?
The Giving Meadow was written for children 2-7, but parents and grandparents alike, will probably enjoy it too.
The Giving Meadow is available through and Barnes & Noble

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Minding My P's & Q's... Lessons from the Writer's Delivery Room
If you missed it on Seekerville... Here it is again. I hope that my lessons will help make your journey to writing delivery easier.

After 30 years in the writer's waiting room, I'm an ace. HA!
It's been a proverbial perseverance coaster ride. (Say that three times fast). I wished I could say I was more up than not. But I'd be lying.
I started writing in elementary school. Won awards for poetry and songs. Published short stories, took writer's courses, finalled in the Noble Theme Contest (Genesis), had an agent ask for me and more.
I still wasn't published; at times it irked me that others were. And they hadn't been gestating as long. Was I a horrible writer? No. It just wasn’t my time. I hated the waiting room. To get by, I threw pity parties, with lots of free flowing whine. Not a pretty place.
I hate to admit it, but envy visited often. It still raises its ugly head sometimes. But I have learned that we all have our waiting areas. We weren't told life would be easy, we were told to persevere.
Prophecy— The Doctor said I was having a girl. God said otherwise.
Let's talk the future. Not omens or Crystal balls, but touching the future.
The legacy of words.
Do you realize the weight the smallest of words carry? Words can build and destroy. Words can paint the truth, just as easily as they can lie.
It used to hurt when people knocked Christian Fiction. It felt like they nixed the novel-- or baby-- I carried. I heard that to really use my writing for the Lord, I should write devotionals, self-help books, or maybe a biography about someone who'd done great things for the Lord.
We're they right? I wasn't getting published, maybe writing novels was stupid.
So I tried to write like everyone else thought I should. It turned out bea... u... ti NOT.
God gave me my words and imagination. When I didn't use it in the way he ordained, I felt listless. Why? Because I needed to write God's will. There are people I was created to touch. One or a million, it doesn't matter. If I'm not true to the writer God made me, I may not reach them. I may not leave a legacy.
What legacy will your words leave?
Promises— Pushing too hard gives you Hemorrhoids
What a lovely picture.
Consider this… while God promises to meet my needs and give me a most awesome future, he never promised I'd be published.
Say What?
It's the truth. He never said I'd be published. (Never said I wouldn't.) That was a tough to wrap my head around, I couldn't believe God would give me these stories and not let me publish them.
So I did the logical thing… I decided to prove him wrong. I checked out every avenue to publishing. Even self-published my own books, and God saw that they were good and blessed me immensely.
Yeah… and I never color my hair either.
Self-publishing, hmm. I learned volumes, spent volumes and shed a few tears. Does self-pubbing work for some people? A few. Not for me. I ended up in a funk. My brain was all over the place. Words failed me. I thought God was so upset with me, he took my gift of writing away.
Shallow thoughts, but they plagued me. Until I finally laid my writing, my pride, at God's feet and he filled my imagination and life with promise again. A promise to use my words—me –even if I never became published. I also learned I could use some preparation (notice I didn't say H). I had some work to do, some things to learn.
Do I ever pick up my pride and try to get God to see it my way, yeah. But I'm getting better.
Quality – Gentlemen we can rebuild him and make him just like...
We should strive for quality in our writing.
That's a given… but there's another aspect of quality we tend to forget, and that's the quality of the writer within.
I see writers buying into the myth that if they write like that person, they'd get published.
Not true. You can learn from another writer, but sadly when you try to write like someone else, you lose the qualities God formed in you. They're unique qualities, gifted only to you –your tone, your flow. To be used with your character, your dreams and your imagination.
Don't settle for the lie that you're not a worthy writer if you don't write like so and so. Don't sell your writer's soul; the price is far too great.
Quantum Physics— It's Alive… (Mawwwhaaahaaa, cue Frankenstein music)
1. Energy is not continuous, but comes in small but discrete units. 2. The elementary particles behave both like particles and like waves. 3. The movement of these particles is inherently random. 4. It is physically impossible to know both the position and the momentum of a particle at the same time. The more precisely one is known, the less precise the measurement of the other is. 5. The atomic world is nothing like the world we live in.
I should say "Psych" about now to see if you're still with me. 'Cause I'm sure you're wondering what Quantum Physics has to do with anything. Frankly I don't know. It had a Q and a P.
Let me say this, there are those who believe that we use your imagination and thoughts to accomplish our goals and make our dreams come. Some Scientists actually believe our thoughts are powerful enough to change reality. As we believe it.
I concur, to a point... we can change our reality.
By changing reality, I'm not saying you'll think you're a millionaire and suddenly become one. I am saying, when you use the gifts God gave and seek his wisdom, when you're in constant forward motion, shooting for your goals, your future will probably be brighter. Not always more profitable, but more joyous, more hopeful.
Let me put it a different way. Scripture tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. To do this changes our reality in a sense. Staying in God's word accomplishes this, as does using the mind and gifts he's given.
Consider how it feels when the currents running through your brain are zipping into the dark recesses and firing on all cylinders. Your imagination is on edge. Waves of thought wash over you. You see each section of your story in vivid Technicolor. If you don't get a piece of paper to write on, your head's going explode.
Have you ever been there?
You find a scrap of paper and start to write. The atoms continue to split in the channels of your mind. Electric impulses fire, arcing to the frontal lobe, skittering to the occipital lobe, racing to the temporal lobe and words begin to flow through your brain like a river, forming sentences, paragraphs and chapters. It rejuvenates your mind. Encourages forward momentum.
Who knows what it is that sets a fire in a writer. The necessary current is as different as our stories, as our characters. Every nuance, every particle forms our imagination.
Quirks – My baby sleeps with his fist in his mouth and his rump in the air…
Your characters have quirks. The funnier the better, one might say. Writers can be pretty quirky people, too.
Some writers can't write if they're not sitting in their favorite chair. Others need certain music. Still others wear a certain shirt, use a specific computer or typewriter. Or wear specific socks. Some can only write if they have on their favorite pair of glasses.
Writers are peculiar. Aren't you glad I'm here to tell you that?
Quirks are intertwined in our stories. Some writers want their words to flow a certain way. Some use a distinct style of writing. Dry wit, flowery narrative, meter, rhyme, inflection and passive verbs (I didn't say that) are all part of how some authors build their stories.
I'm not too peculiar. Sure I prefer to use three-ring, college-ruled notebook paper and a #3 three hard pencil—which must be sharpened to a perfect tip—when I write. I'm flexible though, I've adjusted to using college-ruled paper in tablet or spiral form and I will pick up a # 2 hard pencil if I can't have a #3. I won't discuss the things I love to use in writing, 'cause I always get in trouble for them. (Hint—I like omniscient point of views.)
Do quirks make our writing better? I don't know, but they do make a writer feel better. Why? Because quirks are like security blankets. (I'm not talking OCD.)
Quirks, like our qualities, address are individuality, make us who we are as writers and give tone to our voice. Embrace your quirks?
Quit – Put that baby down or you'll spoil her.
This seems to contradict what I told you about moving ahead and firing up your senses. Because we all know that, Quitters never win and Winners never quit. Au contraire.
Winners do quit sometimes –sometimes they are forced, others, they choose to for a season.
Have you ever gone through a time where couldn't find the words to write a paragraph, let alone a sentence? Have you ever felt so frustrated that you'd force yourself to write and then want to cry? Whether from stress, or just having too much on my plate, I've been there. I had to lay the pen aside and quit writing for a time. And I had to give myself the permission to do so.
When my mother was going through her chemo and stem-cell transplant, and we were running the business and watching grandkids, and one of our children was going through hard times. (All at the same time) I made a conscious choice to sit my writing aside. Not for forever. Just for a season.
I had to quit berating myself for not getting a word count. I had to quit knocking myself for low desire and energy. I had to quit telling myself I was failing if I stopped writing for a time. And strangely, or sadly, it took me awhile to reach that point.
Having said that, if your world is unbalanced and you can do something about it, do it. If it means you have to step out of some position or quit something. Then be a quitter.
Quit that group you started because you thought it might be fun.
Quit going to that study that doesn't hold your heart or attention, God won't strike you dead.
Quit buying into the lie that you have to do everything and you can't say NO.
Quit the things you can that are pulling you apart and zapping your energy. It's okay.
I give you permission. God gives you permission.
Maybe you’re the kind of writer who has the radio on and you're talking on the phone while the Television blares and your kids are yelling in the background. Multitasking is your thing. Or perhaps you're juggling. (See Quit)
Scripture says we are to be still. To Quiet our hearts. It's good for our spiritual well-being, and for our mental and imaginational (is that a word?) well-being too.
Do you quiet your mind and let it flow with the dreams and vision God has for you? Do you let your characters take you on trips to foreign lands and lost times? Do you, like the prophet Elijah, slow down long enough to hear God in the gentle wind passing like a whisper through your brain?
It could just be the time you need to rejuvenate your thoughts and find the flow and proper structure for your words.
To reach that place where you dwell in quiet, you will need to use this last lesson. It is one of our greatest gifts…
If you believe that God has gifted you with imagination and a desire to write, why don't you talk to him about your WIP? Let him show you where your story should go? Why wouldn't you want him to quiet your heart and give you wisdom?
So many times we wait till we're frazzled or near the edge before we talk to God. Maybe we think our little quirk with our Characters isn't worth his time. Or the bridge in that one scene is miniscule when pit against eternity. We forget who created imagination and wrote the first story. Why wouldn't He care about our menial thoughts? He does. We just have to remember to ask. Scripture encourages us to pray without ceasing.
Could that mean there is a reason to pray every second of the day? Hmmm?
You might say your days are mundane. When big problems arise you might ask for help, but you can handle the little things. There's no reason to bother God.
But God wants you to bother him. The more you talk, the more comfortable you feel sharing the small things too.
Don't wait till you're dangling off some emotional cliff, before you call.
Prayer Is Necessary, Say One Now.
After several years of waiting I finally find myself a published author. My book In the Manor of the Ghost is available at the following sites.
Touched By Mercy will be available through Desert Breeze Publishing in Dec 2010
A Writer's Life,
delivery room,

Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Stephanie Burkhart, Destination Berlin
Please join me in welcoming today's guest. Stephanie Burkhart, writing as S. Cardin, is here to announce the release of her new book, Destination Berlin, available through iUniverse. Stephanie served in the military, doing a tour in Germany, and wanted to incorporate some of the flavor of the country and that time into a story.
Destination Berlin is the culmination of that dream.
Blurb for Destination Berlin:
Russian Junior Sergeant Dimitri Nagory is an assistant to a high-ranking Soviet officer in his country's embassy in England. Dimitri isn't expecting a great adventure as he boards the duty train for a routine trip to headquarters in Berlin, and he certainly isn't expecting to meet any Americans.
The Stasi derails the train in the middle of East Germany, expecting to take the information from Sharon's dead body. But when the sudden explosion hurls Sharon and Dimitri from the train and into each other, he too becomes a target. With Sharon nursing badly bruised ribs and branded by her country as a traitorous thief for stealing top-secret documents, Dimitri goes against everything he's ever been taught to ensure her safe return to the West.
"They were talking about me. I am a traitor," he said.
Sharon held her spot on the foot as her eyes looked toward him. She was afraid to approach him. The human thing to do would be to touch him, offer him comfort, but that might escalate into something more, and she didn't need any more complications in her life. She had to keep her military bearing.
"You can defect, Dimitri. My government will give you safety," she offered, stiffening her back. A drop of water from her damp bangs fell onto her cheek, but she ignored it.
"I should have turned you in. I had the chance, I did, but I just couldn't."
"Why didn't you?" Sharon asked.
"Because I've gotten to know you and I trust you," he admitted.
Stephanie, thank you so much for stopping in and giving us a peek at your book.
Stephanie's book can be purchased at and at the iUniverse Bookstore
***For my followers who are looking strictly for Inspirational books, please note that Stephanie's book, Destination Berlin is a secular fiction novel, but it is a sweet romance.
Stephanie, thank you so much for stopping in and giving us a peek at your book.
Stephanie's book can be purchased at and at the iUniverse Bookstore
***For my followers who are looking strictly for Inspirational books, please note that Stephanie's book, Destination Berlin is a secular fiction novel, but it is a sweet romance.

Sunday, July 04, 2010
Interview with Anne Patrick -- author of Fire and Ash
Join me in welcoming author, Anne Patrick. She is hear to tell us a bit about herself and share some about her new book Fire and Ash, a new Inspirational ebook through Desert Breeze Publishing
1) Where are you right now (LVR, DR, Bathroom) and what are you wearing? You have to tell the truth.
Well if I must tell the truth…I’m in the living room, in my favorite rocking chair, wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts. Not very exciting I know.
2) If you could be anyone of your characters, which one would you chose to be? Why?
That’s a tough one. My characters go through so much I’m not sure I’d want to be any of them. But I feel most connected to Maggie in my inspirational romance, Reservations for Two. She’s the combination of some very special ladies I know, and has a wonderful zest for life. When I reach my late sixties, I want to be just like her!
3) What is something that very few people know about you?
I love role-playing video games. Games like Dungeons & Dragons and Final Fantasy. I’m a huge Tomb Raider fan!
4) When did you start writing?
I published a few poems in my teens and I penned my first novel a short time later.
5) What are you working on? Any future story ideas?
I’m working on the first book in a ‘sweet’ romantic suspense series &my alter ego, Kinzie Monroe, is working on another inspirational romance.
6) Hollywood plans to turn your book into a movie, who would play your main characters?
If we’re talking about my new release, Fire and Ash, I would have to choose Meg Ryan for the part of Sadie and Tom Hanks as Quinn since they make such great movies together :-).
7) Tell us about your book.
Fire and Ash is a ‘Sweet’ Inspirational Romantic Suspense. Here’s a blurb: Fire investigator, Sadie McGregor is called to her hometown to investigate a suspicious fire that claimed the life of a local college student. Teaming up with the handsome new police chief, Quinn Harrington, the two must unravel the mystery surrounding the fire. The answers they find could rock the whole community and may cost one of them their life.
8) Have you had mentors along the journey?
My first writing instructor, Marilynn Henderson, and a professional editor named Barbara Warren. They were both instrumental in my journey.
9) What music or other artistic expression, if any, inspires your writing?
I listen to all kinds of music to entice my muse, everything from Bach to Ozzy :-).
From Bach to Ozzy -- wow that is quite the mix. Does your taste in writing cover such a large area?
10) What is your favorite genre to write in?
I’m a suspense junkie so I prefer writing what I love to read.
11) Any words of wisdom for new authors?
Be flexible. Never stop learning. Write from the heart. Never, never, never give up!
Never, never, never give up... that is so important to remember. It can take years to get published, and even then you still have to plug away on your next novel.
Anne, thank you so much for stopping by today.
12) Where can we find you on the internet?
My website:
My blog:
You can also find me on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.
1) Where are you right now (LVR, DR, Bathroom) and what are you wearing? You have to tell the truth.
Well if I must tell the truth…I’m in the living room, in my favorite rocking chair, wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts. Not very exciting I know.
2) If you could be anyone of your characters, which one would you chose to be? Why?
That’s a tough one. My characters go through so much I’m not sure I’d want to be any of them. But I feel most connected to Maggie in my inspirational romance, Reservations for Two. She’s the combination of some very special ladies I know, and has a wonderful zest for life. When I reach my late sixties, I want to be just like her!
3) What is something that very few people know about you?
I love role-playing video games. Games like Dungeons & Dragons and Final Fantasy. I’m a huge Tomb Raider fan!
4) When did you start writing?
I published a few poems in my teens and I penned my first novel a short time later.
5) What are you working on? Any future story ideas?
I’m working on the first book in a ‘sweet’ romantic suspense series &my alter ego, Kinzie Monroe, is working on another inspirational romance.
6) Hollywood plans to turn your book into a movie, who would play your main characters?
If we’re talking about my new release, Fire and Ash, I would have to choose Meg Ryan for the part of Sadie and Tom Hanks as Quinn since they make such great movies together :-).
7) Tell us about your book.
Fire and Ash is a ‘Sweet’ Inspirational Romantic Suspense. Here’s a blurb: Fire investigator, Sadie McGregor is called to her hometown to investigate a suspicious fire that claimed the life of a local college student. Teaming up with the handsome new police chief, Quinn Harrington, the two must unravel the mystery surrounding the fire. The answers they find could rock the whole community and may cost one of them their life.
8) Have you had mentors along the journey?
My first writing instructor, Marilynn Henderson, and a professional editor named Barbara Warren. They were both instrumental in my journey.
9) What music or other artistic expression, if any, inspires your writing?
I listen to all kinds of music to entice my muse, everything from Bach to Ozzy :-).
From Bach to Ozzy -- wow that is quite the mix. Does your taste in writing cover such a large area?
10) What is your favorite genre to write in?
I’m a suspense junkie so I prefer writing what I love to read.
11) Any words of wisdom for new authors?
Be flexible. Never stop learning. Write from the heart. Never, never, never give up!
Never, never, never give up... that is so important to remember. It can take years to get published, and even then you still have to plug away on your next novel.
Anne, thank you so much for stopping by today.
12) Where can we find you on the internet?
My website:
My blog:
You can also find me on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.

Thursday, July 01, 2010
The Winners of the
Win a Kindle... Catch a Ghost Contest are
for the Kindles
Krista Hutley
Bernard Theriault
For a copy of my ebook In the Manor of the Ghost
Barbara Riggleman
Bradley Baker
Sandra Billings
Danielle Vaughn
Debbie Lynn Costello
Mandy Anderson
Monica Krywho
Sarah Grosjean
Danielle Fanner
Thank you everyone for your interest and entries.
In the Manor of the Ghost
is available through Desert Breeze Publishing
and Amazon
Hope to see you all in December for the release of my book
Touched By Mercy
(and perhaps another contest)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Contest is closed
The Win a Kindle... Catch a Ghost Contest
is now closed.
Thanks, everyone, for your entries.
Winners will be announced soon.
My book In the Manor of the Ghost is available

Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Win A Kindle ... Catch a Ghost
Win a Kindle... Catch a Ghost...
To celebrate the release of my new ebook In the Manor of the Ghost, out this month from Desert Breeze Publishing
picture may not depict actual model of prize.
I will be giving away 2 Kindle eBook Readers
and 10 free e-book downloads of In the Manor of the Ghost.
No purchase is necessary. From Now until June 30th you can enter for a chance to win one of 2 Kindle ebook readers or the books by filling in the blanks of the following sentence.
Though not inclined to believe the dead can walk the night laden corridors, ___________ can see them clearly in the eyes of her husband, _____________.
Find the answer by going to Desert Breeze Publishing
Then send an email with your answer, including your name and address in the body of the email, to to enter. One entry please. *** See way for extra entries below.
2 Winners will be drawn from the emails received by June 30th 2010. Later entries and any coarse languaged entries are disqualified. Please put Question IMOG in subject line.
For Extra Entries...
***If you have purchased my book, In the Manor of the Ghost you can mail a copy of your receipt with your name, address, phone number and email address, Handwritten on the sheet to Win A Kindle... Catch a Ghost, P.O. Box 40018, Grand Junction, Colorado, 81504 for an extra entry. Only one per purchase.
***By promoting my contest or book In the Manor of the Ghost on your sites, you can get another entry. Let me know by sending me an email with a link to where you're promoting the book or contest. Please put Promotion IMOG in your email subject line.
****Disclaimer.... entering this contest is considered a confirmation of eligilbility on behalf of the enterer in accord with rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws and is void where prohibited. Contest is open to U.S. and Canadian Residents only. Odds of winning dependent on number of entrants**** Kindle and Desert Breeze Publishing are not involved with this contest in anyway.
Desert Breeze Publishing,
Kindle contest,
new book,
Win a Kindle...Catch a Ghost

Monday, May 24, 2010
Do you Know that Nose? Answers...
Here's the game, pick your nose and choose a name...
1. Demi Moore
2. Cameron Diaz
3. Doris Day
4. Judy Garland
5. Shirley Temple
6. Julia Roberts
7. Blake Shelton
1. Demi Moore

2. Cameron Diaz

3. Doris Day

4. Judy Garland

5. Shirley Temple

6. Julia Roberts

7. Blake Shelton

15. Tom Selleck. 

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