I'm visiting at a few sites today.
And I would love some company. Just a few hi's and hello's might be nice.
First, if you need a laugh, come read about how my husband asked to marry my sister. Talk about sibling rivalry. @ http://shannonvannatter.com/tina-pinson-real-life-romance-fictional-excerpt-part-1-of-1/#
Second, if you're planning to take a trip on the Oregon Trail, this might give you some ideas on how to pack. @ http://desertbreezepublishing.blogspot.com/2012/11/author-spotlight-food-on-oregon-trail.html (be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win a PDF copy of Shadowed Dreams)
Third, if you'd like to get to know Rebekah the heroine of my Shadow Series, stop in an read her interview at @ http://www.margaretdaley.com/2012/11/heroine-interview-from-shadowed-dreams-by-tina-pinson/
And don't forget to stop in and get to know Caroline, Rebekah's cousin, better too. http://desertbreezepublishing.blogspot.com/2012/11/author-spotlight-character-interview_27.html (be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win a PDF copy of Shadowed Dreams)
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